Our Fantasy Books
Redark Luna
DJ Courie
A time-traveler protects her ancestors from an ancient demon, and unwittingly entices him into the future to trigger the apocalypse, but she's helped by a mysterious seer who's born under a Dark Moon.
Ekaya the Hunter
DJ Courie
When a teenage shaman develops mystical powers in prehistoric East Africa, a shape-shifting blood-tracer abducts girls like her for a barbaric ritual that could bring on the apocalypse.
Death Summons
Jey H. Tiel and DJ Courie
To stop the apocalypse in 2160, a teenage blacksmith races to channel supernatural forces against the ancient demon who murdered his demigod ancestor, Osiris. [Back-Adaptation of the Screenplay]
Djidji and the Sage
Jey H. Tiel
After a demon kills her mother, a rebellious teen seeks a mystical sage to strip away her magical powers, unaware that the demon pursues her.